Thursday, April 21, 2011

Avie Rae

This is what you'll find Avie doing most every day!  She loves her baby doll!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Mexico dresses

Thank You Mom for the beautiful dresses! The girls loved matching at church!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Camden turns 7!

I love him laughing in this photo...he had just woken up and he was SO excited it was his Birthday!  Chad surprised him by taking him out of school for lunch and they went to Joe's Barbecue and then we surprised him by taking him to the park later that evening where Chad's family came to surprise Camden..we had so much fun with everyone!

Grandpa Keith and Grandma Kimmie decided to surprise all of us by showing up!  Too much fun! Thanks again, it was a blast to be together!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Sister Missionaries

Kaja made this for the Sister Missionaries that came to eat dinner with us.  She came to me with her hand already drawn on the paper and then she asked me to draw my hand...then she added another one of her hands in the middle.  On her hand it said, "Kaja's hand", on my hand it said, "Missionaries hand" and on her hand in the middle it said, "Love hand".  She was bringing it all together, I thought it was sweet.

Almost Summer time

The water is cold, but we don't care!

Mom pretended to be the ice-cream man and brought a treat!

Bum-Bum tracks...These kids were so excited to show me their Bum-Bum tracks....I was laughing so hard!

Family Pictures

If you know Ryker at all...then you are laughing...this picture just sums him up!                                   

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sleeping on the trampoline

Prepping for a ride out on the desert

Grandma talked the kids into making a leprechaun trap. He got away but left a pile of cholocate gold coins for their efforts.


Went to the desert to fly kites, sit around a camp fire, and ride quads! Kind of amazing for Caskie and I to realize how big the kids are getting!

A knight and his princess

After church today Ryker wanted to dress up like a knight so Camden made him this tin foil armor and Kaja was his damsel in distress.

Camden's baseball pictures

These pictures are from yesterday. We have enjoyed watching Camden play, he is getting better every day. His pop-up catch there at first base is one of 4 outs he was apart of in one inning, pretty good for coach pitch!

Camden with his field day ribbons.

Crazy hair day

Caskie worked with April and several wonderful women in our ward to put on a baby shower for my sister Allee. I think it turned out wonderfully!


Who knew eating cereal was this much fun?


Camden taught his second sibling to ride a bike. Go Ryker!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day (double click to view in full screen so you can see Avie Rae)

Saturday, January 29, 2011


I DID IT!!!!!!!! I wasn't sure I was going to make my goal of running a 1/2 Marathon after January took us for a spin of sicknesses and what not, but I made it! It was one of the hardest things I have done! I made a personal goal to be able to run it in 10 minute miles, not that great for a true runner, but for a rookie maybe????? I was able to achieve my goal coming in at 2hrs and 12 minutes. The last four miles for me were challenging to say the least...I mentally (and physically) had to keep going. I was so moved, because the girl that we all ran for, London past away from cancer a few years back and they had pictures of her posted throughout the run with words of encouragement. I was moved and felt that in some small way I really was giving back. A BIG shout out to my awesome husband who got the kids dressed, had them make signs and bring noise makers to help usher me into the finish line! Love you Babe! Couldn't have done this without your encouragement, belief in me and excitement, Thank you!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A box of Kleenexes = Priceless

So, it was my turn to not feel so great and I was laying on the couch with a box of Kleenexes on the floor....Avie started to play a game. She would pull one Kleenex out of the box and then run across the kithchen floor as her shoes clomped, clomped, clomped away and then she'd pull the trash can open, throw away the Kleenex and shut the door. Then she'd giggle her way across the tile and onto the carpet where she'd then....pull another Kleenex from the box and away she'd go!

Monday, January 24, 2011


Oh boy! We were ALL sick this past week (and a half!) This bug hit us all, but Camden B., he held strong!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Host dinner

Every month Chad's residency hosts a dinner and this month was our turn. We had a lot of fun and enjoyed the eveining with a few "Minute-to-win-it" games!

"The Boys" Camden loved racing the BIG boys around the track on the tricycles!

Genine acting as a unicorn, stacking 6 ding-dongs on her head

And Rachel and Camden playing, "A Bit Dicey" We sure had a blast! Thanks guys!!