I couldn't be happier for my Mr.! He is all graduated and an official Dr.! It took a lot of hard work and dedication, but we made it and Chad graduated with honors at the Madison Square Garden in New York City! We had both of our parents there and it couldn't have been more perfect! We did it all and truely got to have a NY experience! A BIG Thanks to our parents for thier love and support and coming to experience this with us!
My baby's Name! I couldn't have been more proud of him!
This is the room at Madison Square Garden that Chad graduated in, it was pretty fun to be there!
We saw South Pacific, super fun...my first REAL Broadway show!
We walked the Brooklyn Bridge at dusk and it was absolutely breathtakingly beautiful! We walked from the Brooklyn side, so we were able to walk towards the NYC lights at night, it was gorgeous!
How could we not get a picture with Gum Gum
Oh there was so much more! The Statue of Liberty, Top of the Rock, ferry ride around the island, tour bus with amazing history and sites, Ahhhh Central Park, Crazy subways, Coney Island, hot dog stands, 911 site, museums, Phantom of the Opera and on and on...we had the time of our life and a big thanks to Kami for watching the kids!
We had the time of our lives too! Such fun and we are so proud of Dr. Brimhall. So glad we could be there.